post my "year end review" later this week so if you are interested in that, check back!
Such an amazing year it has been, met some great new families, new couples in love, new
babies, documented some truly wonderful things! I am so. very. thankful. for ALL of my
clients, you all are the best and I am honored to capture your life's moments~
Awww. I am about to make myself cry. haha SOOO on to it!
Here goes:
1) Christmas Break has been W O N D E R F UL! I can't believe it's almost over.
I have gotten so much done, feel really good about that. Much more to do though.
2) My tree is still up! ARG. I will do that tomorrow, I hope.
Laykin has a friend over so maybe I can talk them into helping. Yea....
3) Christmas Day is THE ONE DAY of the year that I feel like I can sit on my rump
and do absolutely nothing. My "pass" day to do nothing. No shower, no work, laundry,
emails.... nothing! I need more of these days.
4) Hehehehe This makes me LOL! Seriously! Check it out...
I made this 'special' sweatshirt for my dad is 1990 something. Bahahaha
so when we get to their house Christmas Eve, guess what he's wearing??

note: He is real proud of me right now. ;)
5) I think I mentioned last week that my best friend had her little man, well they
came over last night and look how sweet this is!!

6) Back to dad.... He almost always gets me something crazy for Christmas.
Crazy good, but crazy off the wall awesome stuff. Maps even sometimes too, extra fun!
So this year I had this to go by...

it took me a minute haha
dun dun dun dun...

A church pew!! so stoked! I have so many ideas already of how this guy is gonna come in
7) my new love... i can't wait to try it out @ the Wedding this weekend!

8) And with a new camera comes misc photos. You should see all the pics from around the house
I have taken so far. It's kinda funny actually.
Like this one... I love pottery, it consumes my kitchen.

9) Ahhhh Weddings, oh how I love the.
I am so excited about all of my wonderful 2011 Wedding Clients! I can't wait to meet you all
and make lots of new friends.
10) It is going to be in the 60's the next 2 days! WHAT!!?? and then 38 saturday when 60
would be nice. Geee. It's almost January.
11) This Wii hasn't stopped. Glad that Laykin got one for Christmas for her dad to play
all the time. Serioulsy, it's insane. He should be pretty good at Mini Golf by now though ;)
Happy Last Wednesday of the year everyone!!! I hope you have enjoyed it, I have!
Happy New Years and be safe.
luc luc the pic laykin holding jackson awe
i meant to say luv luv
this crazy amanda btw
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