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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Random Wednesday

This is gonna be a super short and sweet RW :)

1) We had our friends Matt, Jessi and baby Jackson over for dinner and a movie tonight...
I think baby J like The Proposal just fine...

2) This is post 701 on this blog.... I think it's about time for a new blog :)

3) So much to do, so little time...
I really just have SO MUCH that I want to do! Like the new blog, totally redo my site,
branding, client info organizing, laundry... yep, these are the days..... of our lives.

4) Confession~ I so watched that yesterday (days of our lives)

5) Lookie who came to see me today!!


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6) Valentine Sessions for the kiddos are almost booked.
The times left for next Monday are:

7) Burrr it has been so cold! The snow days this week were Awwwwwesome, really loved
them but so glad to get back to the studio today. I had 2 super sweet sessions.

8) Boudoirs Boudoirs Boudoirs!
Man these things have been off the hook this year. Just b/c they are booked for V-day
doesn't mean that your man wouldn't love them anytime of the year!
Stay tuned for upcoming dates as well as so SUPER FUN outdoor boudoirs this summer!!

9) A reminder about the Winter Mini Sessions coming up! Feb. 19th .... one day only
and $89!

10) that's it; short, sweet and I'm off to bed!

OH WAIT!!!! Everyone come out to the Brickyard Saturday night to support my hubby and
his band ;) Come tell me hi :)

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